The brain is the central information processing organ in our body, and acts as the ‘command and control system’.
- It controls voluntary movements, hunger, thirst, thermoregulation, balance, functioning of organs, circadian rhythms of the body, and human behavior.
- It is the site for processing memory, speech, hearing, emotions, and thoughts.
- The human brain is well guarded by the skull.
- Whereas, inside the skull, the brain is covered by cranial meninges.
- The brain can be split into 3 major parts –
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
- Hindbrain
- The forebrain comprises – cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus.
- It forms the main part of the brain.
- There is a deep cleft that divides the cerebrum into 2 halves – left and right cerebral hemispheres.
- It is responsible for memory and communication.
- It is primarily concerned with somatic functions.
- The second most crucial part of the brain.
- It lies at the base of the thalamus.
- It regulates the temperature of the body, urges for eating, and drinking.
- It is located between the thalamus or hypothalamus of the forebrain and pons of the hindbrain.
- It regulates hearing, movement, pain, sleep, and hearing.
- It comprises of pons, cerebellum, and medulla.
- Pons contains different types of fiber tracts that interconnect different regions of the brain.
- It works together with the medulla oblongata and plays a critical role in generating the respiratory rhythm of breathing.
- It provides an additional surface to many neurons.
- It provides maintenance balance and posture.
- It is connected to the spinal cord.
- It contains centers that command respiration, cardiovascular reflexes, and gastric secretions.