• On October 4, 2021, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal unveiled a 10-point “winter action plan” to address the city’s air pollution crisis. In addition, teams will be formed to monitor dust, rubbish burning, and vehicle emissions.
  • Arvind Kejriwal also stated that he has been uploading Delhi’s air quality records since September 15, 2021, and that it is clear that the city’s air pollution levels are under control. However, because neighbouring state and federal governments have done little to assist farmers, Delhi’s air quality will begin to deteriorate in a few days as a result of stubble burning.



  • With the aid of the Pusa Institute, a decomposer has been developed to solve the problem of stubble burning. Once sprayed over the crop residue, this treatment eliminates the need to burn it. It has been sprayed for free in Delhi, and Punjab and other states may do the same.
  • The Delhi government has established 75 teams to inspect the whole city and inflict harsh penalties on anyone who are found to violate of the dust pollution regulations.
  • The state administration has also created 250 squads to address the issue of rubbish burning, with fines to follow.
  • For the forthcoming festivities, firecrackers are prohibited.
  • So far, the state-installed towers have had positive results. The authorities will continue to examine the findings before erecting further buildings.
  • Air pollution hotspots are being monitored.
  • The government has also employed 50 environmental engineers and reinforced the Green War Room.
  • The State Government is continually monitoring the app. Kejriwal also encouraged people to use it and file complaints when they see something they don’t like.
  • This is India’s first such park, with a total of twenty acres set aside for the project.
  • To lessen the pollution generated by automobiles, steps are being done to alleviate traffic congestion. The Chief Minister further stated that 64 congestion sites have been discovered across the National Capital and that traffic and pollution would be controlled.



  • For the third year in a row, Delhi was named the most polluted capital city in the world in 2020.
  • The announcement was made in a study by a Swiss organisation that rated cities based on air quality as assessed by levels of ultrafine particulate matter (PM 2.5) that can penetrate the organ and inflict long-term harm.
  • Delhi had an annual average PM 2.5 concentration of 84.1/ugm3 in March 2021, according to the IQAir World Air Quality Report, 2020, which was issued internationally. Delhi was ranked 10th out of 50 cities for pollution.

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