The smart health cards have been announced for 3.5 crore people in the state, by Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik, after hoisting the national flag on the occasion of 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021.
These cards have been announced under the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.
The beneficiaries of national and state food security schemes and Annapurna and Antodaya beneficiaries will get smart health cards.
This initiative has the goal to modify the health service delivery system of not only the state but also to create history in the health sector of the Country.
The Odisha chief minister said that this initiative will assist in a new era in the health sector of the state.
The chief minister said, “All the people of the entire Odisha are my family. The news of people selling land, jewelry, or stop sending children to school to manage their treatment costs pains me. Therefore, I decided that this type of distress must go.”
This is the redesigned version of Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana.
Under Smart Health Cards, people will be provided with hassle-free quality treatment at the best available health care facilities.
For a certain amount, the smart health card work like a credit card.
Odisha is the first state in the country to provide Smart Health Cards to the people.
This initiative is thought to benefit about 3.5 crore people.
The card will help each family to avail up to Rs 5 lakh per annum for their treatment.
The women members of the family will get benefited to avail up to Rs 10 lakh per year.
People with benefits can avail themselves of health services in more than 200 hospitals in-country including Odisha