1. US astronomers at the Carnegie Institution of Science (CIS) discovered “2021 PH27”, which is said to be the fastest orbiting asteroid in the solar system.
  2. This asteroid completes the space rock of 1 kilometer in just 113 earth days.
  3. At the minor planet center, the latest work was reported. For observing and reporting on minor planets under the patronage of the international astronomical union, it is an official body.
  4. By using a dark energy camera (DEC), the “2021 PH27” was first detected on August 13, 2021, by astronomers.
  5. A dark energy camera is a powerful multipurpose instrument that is used to measure the expansion of the universe by using the images taken in near-infrared, near-ultraviolet, and visible rays.
  6. Because of the observations by DEC and Magellan telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, the astronomers over the few days are able to determine the asteroid’s orbit.
  7. As per the scientist, the fastest orbiting asteroid gets so close to the sun. Because of this, such close proximity to the sun asteroid’s surface at times burns up to 500 degrees Celsius.
  8. Scientist has warned about the stability of orbit. They said that if the asteroid doesn’t change its position from the current path, then due to gravitational interaction after few years there are chances that the asteroid will colloid with the sun, venus or mercury.

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